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Recruit Hiring

Recruit Application Process

Interested candidates who want to train to be an EMT with New Orleans EMS can apply to join as a recruit. This new recruit academy is a joint partnership between NOEMS, the Office of Workforce Development, EMS Corps, and the New Orleans Career Center. Review the NOEMS Recruit Guide to learn more about our new recruit academy.

Step 1: NOEMS Recruit Application

Recruit candidates are required to fill out and submit the NOEMS Recruit Application. Follow this link to find a full description of the NOEMS Recruit Academy and to begin the application process.

Step 2: Civil Service Application

New Orleans EMS is a City of New Orleans agency. After completing the NOEMS Recruit Application be sure to complete the Civil Service Application:

Step 3: Civil Service Test

All recruit candidates will schedule and take the EMT-Recruit Entrance Assessment Exam in person with New Orleans Civil Service.

Step 4: Interviews

Recruit candidates who pass the initial screening will be invited to NOEMS Headquarters for in person training on Stop the Bleed and Hands Only CPR to assess each candidates readiness for hands on EMS training.

Recruit candidates will then be invited to virtual interviews with NOEMS and our partners at EMS Corps and the New Orleans Career Center.

Step 5: Cleared for Hire

Successfull candidates will be given a conditional offer of employment and scheduled for a background check that includes a medical physical and drug screening. 

Step 6: Federal and State Criminal Background Check

Candidates must pass a thorough criminal background check covering all U.S. states and territories.

Step 7: Medical and Drug Examination

Includes a chest and lumbar spine x-ray, stress ECG test, physical agility test, and drug screening.

Step 8: Enter the Academy

Congratulations! Once you’ve completed the previous steps and the Academy is scheduled, you will attend and prepare to provide the highest quality pre-hospital emergency care throughout your career as a member of NOEMS! 

Minimum Requirements

EMT Recruits

  1. Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of application.
  2. Must possess an original high school diploma or G.E.D. issued by a
    state department of education.
  3. A valid driver’s license is required.


All applicants must have the legal right to work in the United States prior to application, but do not have to be United States citizens to apply for a position with New Orleans EMS. New Orleans EMS does not sponsor work visas.

Residency Requirement

New Orleans EMS does not have a residency requirement. Applicants do not have to live within Orleans Parish to become an employee of NOEMS. EMT Recruit candidates must be able to attend Civil Service testing and the initial hands on training in person.